Football's Greatest (系列片其他期节目请
点击)was a TV series that started on the June 10, 2010 and finished on July 11, 2010 on Sky Sports for the World Cup. There were 26 shows in total, 25 featuring one footballer for each show. The first show was about players that didn't make the following shows but were still notable.
+编码格式: XVID
+视频码率: 1269 kbps
+视频帧率:25 fps
+分 辨 率: 624 x 352
+显示比率: 1.773
+编码格式: MPA1L3
+音频码率: 120 kbps
+声 道 数: 2 channels
+采 样 数: 48000 Hz

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