主题 : 曼联07-08赛季所有进球(包括英超、冠军杯和足总杯)  BBC, ITV Sport and SkySports【rapidshare下载】
级别: 超级版主

0  发表于: 2008-05-28 23:53

曼联07-08赛季所有进球(包括英超、冠军杯和足总杯)  BBC, ITV Sport and SkySports【rapidshare下载】

管理提醒: 本帖被 付四 执行取消加亮操作(2008-06-10)

Here is my present of the end of season for all the Supporters Mancuniens.
I combined in Files Rar, all Goals of the Season 2007-2008 (Premierleague, Champions League and FA CUP) in High Quality (BBC, ITV Sport and SkySports)!

Manchester United All Goals 2007-2008
Credit : Fred54 & UnitedRed
[ 此贴被付四在2008-05-31 10:25重新编辑 ]